Common Name: Apache Trout
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus apache
Common Name: Sunapee or BluebackTrout
Scientific Name: Salvelinus alpinus
Range: Northern Atlantic and Pacific coasts
Habitat: Anadromous except for some lake populations
Common Name: Brook Trout
Scientific Name: Salvelinus fontinalis
Range: Native to the northeastern states and Canada including
the Appalachians, there are now populations in many western states.
Habitat: Swims in clear, cold streams and lakes
Common Name: Brown Trout
Scientific Name: Salmo trutta
Range: Stocked to North America in the late 1800's, it
is now found coast to coast with populations in all but a few very southern
gulf states
Habitat: Mostly flowing streams and rivers with some lake
populations. Can handle temperatures that are slightly higher than those of
the Rainbow Trout.
Common Name: Bull Trout
Scientific Name: Salvelinus confluentus
Range: Sparsely distributed in higher elevation lakes
and rivers of mountains of the western states north to Alaska
Habitat: This trout resides in deep cold water of larger
lakes and rivers
Common Name: Cutthroat Trout
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus clarki
Range: An anadromous population exists on the Pacific
coast from northern California to southern Alaska. Now also found in most
Rocky Mountain states.
Habitat: Non-anadromous fish found in the headwaters of
cold gravel-bottomed streams and rivers and some mountain lakes.
Common Name: Dolly Varden
Scientific Name: Salvelinus malma
Range: The north Pacific coast including most of Alaska
Habitat: Anadromous except for some populations found
in deep clear lakes
Common Name: Gila Trout
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus gilae
Range: Found in New Mexico
Habitat: Small, clear streams
Common Name: Golden Trout
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus aguabonita
Range: This fish is found at high elevations in a small
area of east-central California
Habitat: Cool, clear, graveled stream
Common Name: Lake Trout
Scientific Name: Salvelinus namaycush
Range: A fish of the north, the Lake Trout resides in
all across Canada. In the United States, can be found in the states surrounding
the Great Lakes as well as some populations in the Rocky Mountain states
Habitat: Deep, cold water lakes
Common Name: Rainbow Trout
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss
Range: Anadromous native populations exist in all Pacific
coast states, including Alaska. Now widely found in most states, including
eastern drainages of the Rockies, Appalachian drainages, and the Great Lake
Habitat: Cold water streams, rivers, and lakes
Common Name: Steelhead
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss
Range: See Rainbow Trout